(for those of you interested in the Windows SSH group's progress, here's the meeting notes from our latest meeting(s)). Windows SSH Meeting Notes Wednesday, January 29th, 1998 (Tim, Doug, Mike) Thursday, January 30th, 1998 (Professor Yee, Doug, Tim) Haven't had a meeting in two weeks due to a variety of reasons but we managed to cover a lot of ground in our last set. Todos: ====== - More Specific Interface information between three parts of code. - Schedule for the remainder of the quarter and target dates for code merges. Also set individual target dates. - Figure our threading model and appropiate semaphores. - Error/warning code scheme. Notes: ====== - Professor Yee that the IETF working group on SSH is looking for two independently developed versions of SSH in order for SSH to become an Internet standard. Depending on what "independent" means, our final app could be one of those versions. Something to follow up on. - Also got the VT100 Escape codes from him - And gave us Teraterm SSH for Windows to look at. (Mike - ftp from me if u wish) This was written in Japan and is a free terminal/telnet emulator with an SSH extension. - As midterms hit and schedules slip - briefly considering Holden's suggestion last quarter of scheduling a time to meet and code. Vetoed for now, we'll see how things go for another week. Progress Report =============== 980130 (I'll add to this from now on) - Discussed various strategies in splitting the project up into three blocks that could be worked by each individual. Convinced Mike that it would be a bad idea to have a Dialog Box based app. Here's how we finally split it up: - Core SSH/Network - Doug. As Doug is the most familiar with MFC he gets to tackle this portion. As Professor Yee suggested earlier in the quarter, we'll be abstracting out the SSH stuff into a non-os specific portion that could be used on other platforms. - Document / View - Me. We'll be using the MFC "Document/View" architecture which defines specific classes - "Document" is where data should be stored and the "View" class does all the "drawing". As such, the "View" class will also do the various vt100/tty terminal emulation. - Dialog Boxes / GUI - Mike. As Mike is not pursuing the 199 he did get a easy but crucial portion. He'll be designing all the various Menus, Toolbars, Status Bars, and Dialog Boxes. I'm sure he'll finish this fairly quickly though to then he can work on something else. - Two threads will be used. One for mainly the networking stuff and the other for everything else. - Originally it was on the wish list for the product to double also as a telnet app if a SSH connection was unavailable; after looking through the Telnet spec we're deciding against this at present time. - Source control will partially be done through CVS. Tim's computer will be used as a server for the master source repository. CVS's inability to handle binary files prevents it's use for the whole project. - At present we have a bare bones project file. As we have code to add to the master source repository we do so and check it in. Brainstormed and added a series of global variables < 980130 -Examine the three crypto libraries Cryto++, Cryptlib, and RSARef. Found that latest version of Cryptlib is buggy as its in beta. - Decision to use Hungarian Notation. - Read through RFC. --------