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Interesting Cryptography
  • Interesting Quotes: From David Kahn's ``The Codebreakers'' (look in references):
    • ``It must be that as soon as a culture has reached a certain level, probably measured largely by its literacy, cryptography appears spontaneously -- as its parents, language and writing, probably also did. The multiple human needs and desires that demand privacy among two or more people in the midst of social life must inevitably lead to cryptology wherever men thrive and wherever they write. Cultural diffusion seems a less likely explanation for its occurrence in so many areas, many of them distant and isolated.'' [p. 84]

    • ``It was the amateurs of cryptology who created the species. The professionals, who almost certainly surpassed them in cryptanalytic expertise, concentrated on down-to-earth problems of the systems that were then in use but are now outdated. The amateurs, unfettered to those realities, soared into the empyrean of theory.'' [pp. 125-6]

    • The invention of cryptography is not limited to either civilians or the government. Wherever the need for secrecy is felt, the invention occurs. However, over time the quality of the best available system continues to improve and those best systems were often invented by civilians.

    • "Eternal Vigilance Is The Price of Liberty" used to mean we watched the government - not the other way around. [Bill Stewart, quoted by Jim Ebright]

    • "The government can have my crypto key when it pries it from my cold, dead neurons." [John Perry Barlow, ca. 1991]

  • Interesting Cryptography Fact: The NSA (National Security Agency) employs the most mathematicians in the world for the purpose of cryptoanalysis.

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Last Modified: June 1st, 1997